TILT | HG Summer Group Show

20th August - 5th September 2021

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In the summer the tilt of the planet means the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight.

Even after the last 18 months of introspection and worry even with this dull drip feed Summer of warnings and omens, delayed reward, sputtering starts and endlessly deferred consummations. No matter how we interpret it no matter how we apportion success and failure, the biomass ebbs and flows with tide and time. It fluxes with infection and response. Sprouting and shrinking, thriving and withering.

But underneath, the rock of the planet leans… and in this arc, tilts its northern hemisphere to the sun.

We’ve become microbiologists in our petrie dishes, with our forecasts of steepening curves and plateaus, comfortably tangled in a gossamer web of partially understood probability.

No matter how aching the wrench, we must pull ourselves out of this cosy nightmare into wakefulness. Impelled by a thousand colours and leafy vistas of unforseeable possibility.

TILT is a colourful show, a picnic. Lots of artists , lots of ideas, lots of attitude. Participate. Engage. Compete. Mark the passing of nebulous time. Count off another summer. Get together and check out the scene.

Further Information:
20th August - 5th Sptember 2021
Hoxton Gallery
17 Marlow Workshops
Arnold Circus, Shoreditch,
London E2 7JN


To book appointments contact: Kevin Martin 07930940676
Email: hi@hoxtongallery.co.uk


A Ben Wilson Retrospective | Correspondences


Santiago Ascui, Jose Benmayor and Michael Yaikel | Angamos